The Shed

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Showing posts with label Dibble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dibble. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2012


Farm Girl here! What is it with you folks and dibbles? Its a simple concept, really, and we are spending much too much time on it in my view. Let us review:


This is a Sharpie Marker. When it is no longer useful as a marker the gray end can be usefully employed as a dibble. A dibble, for those of you stopping by for the first time is an instrument to poke holes in the soil so as to facilitate planting seeds, bulbs, spuds or whatever. I know these things, I took a course in dibblery at Texas A & M.

Sharpies come in many sizes so if you mark up enough stuff, you can have a full set. There, that seems clear enough, one would think.


This however, is a Sharpei an adorable Chinese wrinkle dog, and not to be trained to dig holes in the garden so you can plant your tomatoes, no muss no fuss! What do you suppose is going to happen once your doggy finds out how nice and soft and funky smelling your garden soil is?

Today, a neat and tidy well ordered and plotted garden; tomorrow, a crater!

And please continue to leave Mr. Dibble alone as well.

I hope this is the end of confusion over dibbles, I have parsnips to plant!

Farm Girl, I'm outie!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Farm Girl here! Let's cut to the chase!

In the wake of a distressing episode that occurred over the week end on location at the "digs" (if you will) of an East Pennsylvania gardener who shall remain nameless, and on behalf of Uncle Mac's Garden Shed, I would like to clarify a few points on the subject of dibbles, and dibblery in general.

To wit:

Acceptable dibbling devices

These are dibbles, and any and all may be profitably employed to pierce the soil so as to better plant seeds, roots, rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, sets and

Equally acceptable
 This is a Sharpie permanent marker, a fine writing and labeling product which may, when the reservoir of ink which makes this instrument so valuable in its original capacity becomes exhausted, be used to great effect as a dibbling tool. You can dibble yourself blue in the face with a Sharpie, and we bid you God speed. It is particularly useful for the pre-dibbling of onion plant holes.

It is here displayed next to the nearly identical "Shoupie" marker which can, in a pinch, be employed as a dibble as well.

This however is Mr. Rob Dibble, enormously talented and well respected former major league baseball player who is not, repeat not to be mistaken for a gardening implement under any set of circumstances! We have no intention of detailing the unfortunate events of the preceding 48 hours which, as they did not happen here, are still mercifully vague. But this sort of thing should never occur.

There is enough stress in the world today without dibbling malfunctions!

Well a word to the wise should be sufficient so at this point...what's that, Uncle Mac? Oh put that away that isn't a Sharpie! I know a Sharpie when I see one! I graduated Texas A & M and don't you forget it!

Where was I? Oh yeah, mind your dibbles and as always, thanks for checking out Farm Girls Corner!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

FARM GIRL'S CORNER - Parsnips, and dibblery on the cheap.

It's Me! Farm Girl!

 Hi! Farm Girl here with not so much of a "Corner", per se, but more of an observation. Do not throw that Sharpie away when it finally runs out of ink! The gray end makes an excellent dibble for everything from seeds to onion plants. And of course you are recycling for your own direct benefit, and saving the planet and leaving a tiny carbon footprint and all that happy horse crap. Just thought you'd like to know!


And now it's time to air a grievance, if I might! I was going through the seeds today to see what we'd be planting and you know what I found? PARSNIP SEEDS!  Who does that old fool Mac think is gonna be taking care of those proud beauties? Not me! He's lucky I help him "compress the hay" now and then! It can take 35 days for these things to sprout, and when they do, what do you have? Parsnips! I mean just LOOK at these things! What's next? Salsify? 

 They look soooo much better cooked, do they not? I wouldn't feed these to Leatherface! Well maybe him come to think
but nobody else.

Well this has been nice hasn't it? Remember, save those Sharpies, and thanks for stopping by Farm Girl's Corner!