They continue to prosper, these Boulles and we can begin to look forward to giving them a taste test within a few weeks. We did try a pot full of yellow turnip greens and they were quite good, although we really could detect no appreciable difference in flavor from ordinary white turnip greens.
The yellow turnips are now in their 8th week since their sowing on August 17, so the first ones should be ready in about 2 weeks or so, coinciding nicely with the first frost date.
I scratched one with my fingernail and the flesh is a very appealing pale yellow under the skin with a mild but distinctly turnipy aroma. We have high hopes.
But we know you are really interested in our portly garden celebrity, Mr. Big.
Mr. Big may be ending his growth spurt, this is the first week in several when his girth did not expand by a full inch or more, but by perhaps a mere 7/8". He is now 20 7/8 inches in circumference. Either the cold is beginning to inhibit his continued expansion, or this as as big as he will get, or he is exhausted from his interview with the lovely Vida G, earlier this week, which can be viewed HERE.
And just for the heck of it here's a snap of todays RUS*, destined for tonights salad.
That would seem to wrap things up for this weeks boulle report, tanks for stopping at Farm Girls Corner!
Will there be a party for Mr. Big once he comes out of the ground? Would love to be there.