Saturday, September 15, 2012

FARM GIRL'S CORNER - Another week of boule

Farm Girl here! Wow another week come and gone already and this is the fifth Boule D'or yellow turnip update! Can you stand it? 


Sown on the 17th of August, this photo taken on the 14th of September shows acceptable progress. Tiny turnips are just beginning to develop and so we will be watering regularly if the dry spell continues as it appears that it will. These turnips are in extremely fertile soil and should require no nutrients and but little weeding, as the soil is now well shaded by the plants own leaves.

And just because we are that kind of people here at the Shed, here is a gratuitous picture of Mr. Big...


Oops, sorry ladies, Mr. Big is our very own potential prize winning rutabaga. Now over 16" in circumference and expecting to exceed 25" before he's invited to dinner, Mr. Big is the new star of the garden.
It appears to have gone to his head because he spends most of the day on the phone with his agent.
Well that's that for this weeks turnip teaser. As always thanks for visiting at Farm Girls Corner!



  1. I believe the new boules will catch up to Mr. Big in no time with all this encouragement from Farm Girl! ":)

  2. Lovely turnips. I may have to take a ride over to Patterson...unless Mr. Bear stops me.
