HowwwwwwDEEEEEE! It's me! Aunt Agnes and Ah am as happy as a boar hawg in a pen fulla brood sows! We went out into the garden that Uncle Mac's Shed is the shed therefore, if you catch my drift, and WE all have a SURPRISE for YEW! Woooo Hoooo! Can all Y'all guess what it is? Ah'll give yew a hint, its what's fer dinner!
It's turnips!
Yummy turnips!
Yew can boil' em,
You can broil 'em,
'cause they's turnips!
Turn 'em into turnip-slaw,
Steam 'em in a pot!
Skewer 'em for shish - ka - bob,
Yew can eat 'em cold or hot!
They's turnips, yummy turnips!
They's hunnerts in the plot!
Shoot Ah'm so gosh dern excited Ah might just do a fandango right here and now! Here Ah go!
[ Uncle Mac's editorial note: There followed a mercifully brief interval wherein Agnes, a butt in one hand and a Lone Star in the other, a turnip clenched between her, uh, tooth broke into a kind of manic buck and wing. We had recorded this, but destroyed the only copy. There are some things one simply does not do to the readers.]
Whew! Well now, gotta ketch ma breath...Ain't quite as young as I useta be...
Well anyway folks that's the latest gardening triumph here at the shed. Looks like peas and cabbage are right around the bend, we'll keep yew posted!